Top 6 Ocean Safety Tips for Sandbridge Vacationers

Collage of three Sandbridge Beach images showing the lifeguard stand, lifeguard rescue ATV, and summer surf camp.

Swimming in the ocean is a lot of fun. However, if you don’t live near the ocean, you might not be aware of some simple ocean safety tips! Being aware of ocean safety can help keep you and your loved ones safe and help you have a great vacation! Here are 5 ocean safety tips for your Sandbridge vacation!

#1 - Never Turn Your Back to the Ocean

Waves can be unpredictable. When you turn your back to the ocean, you risk being caught off guard. A strong wave could knock you down or pull you under. Always face the ocean so you can see what's coming. By keeping an eye on the waves, you can enjoy the ocean's beauty while staying safe.

#2 - Don’t Swim Alone

Everything's better with a friend! Especially swimming in the ocean! The ocean is much different from a pool, with currents and waves that can quickly tire you out or pull you out to sea. Swimming with a buddy can also come in handy when spotting: 

  • wildlife
  • fishing lines
  • surfers
  • boaters 

A swimming buddy may also come in handy in the event of a medical emergency (or stomach cramp!). For these reasons, you should always swim with a buddy. This way, if one of you gets into trouble, the other can call for help or provide assistance. 

#3 - Swim Near a Lifeguard

Lifeguards are trained to spot danger and respond quickly to emergencies. When you swim near a lifeguard, you're adding an extra layer of safety to your beach day. Look for designated swimming areas with lifeguard stations and set up your spot nearby. Lifeguards are on duty across from Sandbridge Market and Little Island Park from Memorial Day to Labor Day. 

#4 - Check the Sandbridge Ocean Rescue Page

Sandbridge Ocean Rescue is a local, non-profit organization that posts daily Sandbridge beach updates to their Facebook page. They post about all things ocean safety-related such as:

  • rip currents
  • advisories
  • weather
  • tide times 

Their page is a great resource for any Sandbrige vacationer (or local!) looking to stay in the know about ocean safety tips! We recommend checking it daily before heading to the beach! 

#5 - Learn Rip Current Safety

Rip currents are powerful, fast-moving channels of water that can quickly pull swimmers out to sea. If you get caught in a rip current, don't panic. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you're out of the current, then swim back to the beach at an angle. It's essential to educate yourself and your family about rip currents before entering the water. Understanding how to react can save your life!

#6 - Enter the Water Feet First

Diving headfirst into unknown waters can lead to serious injuries. Always enter the water feet first, especially if you're unfamiliar with the ocean floor's depth and terrain. This practice helps prevent head, neck, and spinal injuries. By taking this simple precaution, you can avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

Vacationing in Sandbridge is a wonderful way to enjoy the beauty of the ocean. Being mindful of these 5 ocean safety tips for Sandbridge vacationers can make your beach experience both enjoyable and safe. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or new to the ocean, these guidelines are essential for a fun and safe visit to Sandbridge.

Ready to plan your next beach getaway? Book a vacation rental with us today and enjoy a safe, relaxing time in beautiful Sandbridge Beach!